Enhance Your Rubber Products with Endurica

Enhance Your Rubber Products with Endurica

Rubber and elastomer components play a crucial role in the industry in terms of durability and performance. However, fatigue and damage to these components over time can shorten the product's lifespan. This is where Endurica makes a significant difference by offering unique solutions for rubber fatigue simulation during the development process. With Endurica’s technological solutions, it becomes possible to predict the fatigue life of elastomers and analyze potential damage in advance. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the solutions offered by Endurica and see how it predicts damage in rubber components under long-term thermal and mechanical loading conditions.

What is Endurica and Why is It Important?

Endurica is a world leader in providing solutions and services for the durability problems of rubber components. Endurica software provides information such as the damage plane, tearing energy, and crack size to help predict the fatigue life of rubber components, allowing you to improve their durability even at the design stage. Thanks to its patented technology, it analyzes the effects of multiaxial and variable amplitude load cycles. This makes it possible to understand the complex material behaviors and viscoelastic effects on the fatigue life of components. Endurica is widely used in sectors such as automotive, medical devices, offshore, and consumer products (6 of the top 10 global tire companies use Endurica solutions).

Critical Plane Analysis with Endurica CL

Endurica CL analyzes the fatigue life of elastomer components and identifies the plane most likely to suffer damage. With critical plane analysis, it determines crack orientations and potential worst-case scenarios, enabling improvements in design. This allows critical areas of products to be identified and precautions to be taken.

Reliable Material Models in Endurica CL

Modeling the nonlinear behavior of elastomers is a highly complex process. Endurica CL offers reliable material models that accurately simulate this complex behavior of elastomers. This makes it possible to solve material and geometric problems during the design phase with fast and flexible workflows.

Endurica CL’s Compatibility with FEA

Endurica CL is fully compatible with popular FEA solvers like Ansys. This compatibility enables FEA solutions to deliver faster and more accurate results, saving time when analyzing the fatigue behavior of materials.

Incremental Fatigue Analysis with Endurica DT

Endurica DT analyzes damage progression over a series of load conditions in scenarios involving variable loads and material behaviors, calculating the remaining life of elastomer components. This feature is critical for predicting the long-term durability of products during the design phase and making the necessary improvements.

Simulation with Real Usage Conditions: Endurica DT

Endurica DT simulates material behavior under load conditions that match the real usage conditions of your part. These simulations help understand how elastomer components react over time and how durable they are. Products tested under real conditions provide more reliable results and are more durable.

Simulation Workflows in Endurica DT

Endurica DT analyzes how material properties like aging and stiffness loss change over time. These analyses provide a great advantage for monitoring structural health in digital twin scenarios and updating the remaining life.

Fast Load Processing with Endurica EIE

Endurica EIE quickly transitions from multichannel load signals to fatigue life prediction, significantly reducing simulation times. This feature speeds up design processes and saves considerable time.

Real-Time Load Processing Capabilities of Endurica EIE

EIE simulates the durability effects of full-length load signals in real-time for digital twin applications. Real-time load processing accurately analyzes all the load conditions products will face throughout their service life.

Endurica EIE’s Ability to Shorten FEA Solution Times

Endurica EIE reduces FEA solution times from days to minutes, greatly accelerating the analysis process. Shortening the FEA solution time lowers project costs and provides results faster.

Add Value to Your Rubber Products with Endurica

By taking control of the fatigue life development process, Endurica increases the durability of your products. By using this software from the design phase, you can make your rubber products more durable and reliable. Additionally, with Endurica's flexible workflows, you gain significant speed during the product development process.

Points to Consider When Using Endurica

To use Endurica effectively, it is important to ensure that the simulations are properly configured. Correct and complete simulation data will enhance the accuracy of the results you obtain.

Durability Solutions for Different Industries with Endurica

Endurica enhances the efficiency of rubber product durability testing across various industries with its versatile solutions. Elastomer materials used in challenging conditions, such as those in the automotive, medical device, and offshore applications, can achieve longer lifespans thanks to Endurica. This software, which meets the specific needs of each industry, optimizes production processes by providing tailored analyses.

The Importance of Endurica in the Automotive Industry

In the automotive industry, fatigue resistance of elastomer components is crucial. Products such as tires, seals, suspension systems, and engine mounts play a critical role in terms of safety and performance. Endurica provides automotive companies with fatigue analyses during the design process, enabling them to accurately predict the lifespan of these parts and make the necessary improvements.

Durability and Safety in Medical Devices

Medical devices contain elastomer components that are crucial for human health. Devices such as pacemakers, stents, and artificial joints must be produced with maximum durability to ensure patient safety. Endurica offers medical companies the opportunity to develop safe and long-lasting products by analyzing the fatigue of these devices. It also simulates the aging and deformation processes of materials to more closely analyze real usage conditions.

Elastomer Performance in Offshore Applications

Offshore oil platforms, subsea pipelines, and other marine engineering projects extensively use elastomer components. These parts are constantly exposed to challenging conditions such as high pressure, saltwater, and extreme temperature fluctuations. Endurica conducts fatigue analyses of elastomer components used in offshore applications, testing their durability against these harsh environmental conditions, ensuring that the products function for long periods without damage.

Digital Twin Technology and Endurica

Digital twin technology refers to the creation of a digital replica of a physical entity, and Endurica integrates seamlessly with this technology. Digital twins make it possible to monitor elastomer components in real-time and more accurately predict their fatigue life. Endurica’s co-simulation workflows enable elastomer components to be continuously monitored throughout their physical lifespan and optimized according to usage conditions.

Industrial Applications of Digital Twins

Digital twins ensure the structural integrity of elastomer components by providing real-time data throughout their lifecycle. This technology is particularly important in critical sectors such as large infrastructure projects, power plants, and offshore platforms. Endurica, through digital twin technology, continuously monitors the lifespan of elastomer parts and sends early warning signals to users. These warnings allow potential failures to be detected in advance, and necessary precautions can be taken in time.

Material Development with Advanced Engineering Solutions

The solutions provided by Endurica not only analyze the fatigue life of elastomer components but also play a major role in developing and optimizing materials. Accurately modeling the nonlinear behavior of elastomer materials provides design engineers with a strong foundation for material development.

Material Testing and Measurement Processes with Endurica

Elastomer materials exhibit different behaviors under varying environmental conditions. Endurica simulates the responses of elastomers to conditions such as high pressure, temperature, and deformation, providing designers with valuable insights to improve the performance of these materials. The data provided during the testing and measurement processes helps engineers make informed decisions.

The Future Role of Endurica

With advanced engineering solutions and digital twin technologies, Endurica will continue to play a critical role in the analysis of elastomer components in the future. AI-supported simulations and advanced material modeling technologies will provide more precise and efficient results in this field. Endurica aims to maximize the performance of elastomer products through innovative technologies.

Ensure Sustainability in Your Rubber Products with Endurica

Endurica not only improves the performance of rubber products but also contributes significantly to sustainability. Elastomer components with longer fatigue lives need to be replaced less frequently, which reduces costs and minimizes environmental impact. Additionally, thanks to the accurate simulations provided by Endurica, unnecessary material usage is prevented, and products are manufactured with lower energy consumption.

Endurica has become an indispensable part of industries as software that analyzes the fatigue life of elastomer components, enhances durability, and accelerates development processes. This software, used in many fields ranging from automotive to medical devices, offshore applications to consumer products, maximizes the reliability and durability of products with its technological solutions. By taking advantage of Endurica’s benefits, you can increase the performance of your rubber products and optimize your product development processes.